Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Basic Basics of Screenwriting

Welcome to the "Basic Basics of Screenwriting" - I will be the first to admit that calling a book the "basic basics" is equivalent to calling myself “AAAA Plumbing” in hopes of being at the front of the alphabet. The reality is that there are a number of "basic" books out there and so, why not, toss in the second basic to get my point across. You might be asking yourself: Why .99? My response to that is: Why not? The actual "book" part of this publication is approximately 50 pages long. Not enough, really, to justify putting a price-tag on it. I also used modified versions of some of the hand-outs I provide to my students in my screenwriting class. And...since this is the "basic basics" - most everything I talk about in the book is real short-sweet-and-to-the-point. My hope is that you'll be able to get started with what I've written and go on and purchase bigger/better/more involved books (that are more than 50 pages) and really take your screenwriting up another notch. Y..

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