Thursday, February 24, 2011

Exploitation - Dawn of the Cold War - A History Play

"Exploitation: Dawn of the Cold War" is a history play by Robert Huddleston. As American forces advanced into Germany in WW II, small, highly mobilized unites called "T-Forces' were close behind ready to identify and guard coveted equipment and related documents. Act One is set in May 1945 and the T-Force officer set to guard a Nazi rocket factory called Mittelwerk is visited by two officers of Army Ordnance Special Mission V2 who have been ordered to locate and ship to the U.S. one hundred rockets. Act Two covers the arrival of two members of the U.S. Naval Technical Mission, one being Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., a civilian attached to the mission. Act Three focuses on the conflict between exploiting German technology and prosecuting Germans who used and mistreated slave labor used in the rocket factory. Playwright Robert Huddleston, a combat pilot in the Second World War, has been on the fringe of the German-American rocket programs. As an Army Air Forces' officer, he served on th..

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