Sunday, May 22, 2011

Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series (Translated and Illustrated)

This book has unique illustrations that were uniquely produced especially for this special edition.PLAYS BY ANTON CHEKHOVSECOND SERIESTranslated, with an Introduction, by Julius WestCONTENTSINTRODUCTIONON THE HIGH ROADTHE PROPOSALTHE WEDDINGTHE BEARA TRAGEDIAN IN SPITE OF HIMSELFTHE ANNIVERSARYTHE THREE SISTERSTHE CHERRY ORCHARDINTRODUCTIONThe last few years have seen a large and generally unsystematicmass of translations from the Russian flung at the heads and heartsof English readers. The ready acceptance of Chekhov has been one ofthe few successful features of this irresponsible output. He hasbeen welcomed by British critics with something like affection.Bernard Shaw has several times remarked: "Every time I see a playby Chekhov, I want to chuck all my own stuff into the fire."Others, having no such valuable property to sacrifice on the altarof Chekhov, have not hesitated to place him side by side withIbsen, and the other established institutions of the new theatre.For these reasons..

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