Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let Candice Go - Screenplay

I wrote my novel Shotgun specifically for the movies.And as I said previously in my Kindle eBook blurb for Shotgun, I kept the action tight, over days rather than weeks. I also kept the locale in one area—more or less—and the characters to a minimum.This formula worked well because Shotgun was made into a movie.The ‘formula’ was so successful that after I had sold Shotgun’s movie rights I was approached by a second movie maker. (The movie was called Malone, with Burt Reynolds, Cliff Robertson and Lauren Hutton. Malone can still be picked up on late night movie shows or movie websites.)I also wrote my novel Hong Kong, Let Candice Go! with the movies in mind, somewhat anyway.I crammed in lots of action, seeing it was an action movie. But the action was not as tight and took place over longer times. I also used more locales—New York, Hong Kong, the Poconos. And there were more characters.The first people to whom I showed my own script based on the book were impressed. Apparent..

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