Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On the Waterfront (BBC Radio Collection)

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Only Writing Series You'll Ever Need Screenwriting

The Only Writing Series You'll Ever Need: Screenwriting is your go-to resource for mastering the complete screenwriting process. Taking you step-by-step from idea to deal, you'll learn how to: Write a sellable script Create real and credible dialogue Find an agent and marketing the script the right way Edit and revise-over and over and over, again Live the life of a full-time screenwriter Ideal for those writers who want to perfect their craft and shop their scripts around, The Only Writing Series You'll Ever Need: Screenwriting is your entre to this exciting career!..

Route Irish

Fergus met Frankie on his first day at school and they've been in each others' shadow ever since. As teenagers they skipped school and drank cider on the ferry over the River Mersey, dreaming about travelling the world. In September 2004, Fergus persuaded Frankie to join his security team in Baghdad: GBP10,000 a month, tax free; their last chance to 'load up' in this increasingly privatised war. Together they risked their lives in a city steeped in violence, terror and greed, and awash with billions of US dollars. Three years later, Frankie is killed on Route Irish, the most dangerous road in the world. Back in Liverpool, a grief-stricken Fergus rejects the official explanation that Frankie was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and begins his own investigation into his soul mate's death. Only Rachel, Frankie's partner, grasps the depth of Fergus's sorrow, and the lethal possibilities of his fury as he struggles to find his old self and the happiness he shared with Frankie ..

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dame Edna: Detective

Be among the first to read this hilarious script before the movie comes out. Developed with Dame Edna (Barry Humphries) the script contains all of the wit, wisdom, sarcasm and outrageous behavior of our favorite royal Lady while at the same time twists our minds with the mystery that only the Dame can solve. As she gets under the skin and into the lingerie of the suburban housewives who hold the key to the murder of one of the Dame's fans, you will not only laugh, but root for our hapless and new crime fighter as she stumbles into harm's way. A real kick...

Six Weddings and Two Funerals: Three Screenplays by Richard Curtis

No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon

Friday, August 26, 2011

Big Finish Companion Volume 1

No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Your Idea Machine (Screenwriting Blue Books)

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?Your screenplay is going to begin with an idea. There are good ideas and bad ideas and commercial ideas and personal ideas. But where do you find ideas in the first place? This handbook explores different methods for finding or generating ideas, and combining those ideas into concepts that sell. 155 pages filled with idea generation techniques!The Idea Bank, Fifteen Places To Find Ideas, Good Ideas And Bad Ideas, Ideas From Locations And Elements, Keeping Track Of Your Ideas, Idea Theft - What Can You Do? Weird Ways To Connect Ideas, Combing Ideas To Create Concepts, High Concepts - What Are They? Creating The Killer Concept, Substitution - Lion Tamers & Hitmen, Creating Blockbuster Concepts, Magnification And The Matrix, Conflict Within Concept, Concepts With Visual Conflict, Avoiding Episodic Concepts, much more!Professional Screenwriter William C. Martell (19 produced films) takes you into the world of ideas and high concepts, showing you step-by-step how..

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Der Blockwart (Die haarsträubenden Fälle des Philip Maloney) (German Edition)

Originaltext der erfolgreichsten Schweizer Hörspielserie. Philip Maloney ist eine gelungene Mischung aus Krimi und Comedy. Die Serie läuft seit über 20 Jahren und Roger Graf schrieb bereits mehr als 320 Folgen. Jede Hörspielfolge dauert ca. 20 bis 25 Minuten...

A Doll's House

A Doll's House (1879), is a masterpiece of theatrical craft which, for the first time portrayed the tragic hypocrisy of Victorian middle class marriage on stage. The play ushered in a new social era and "exploded like a bomb into contemporary life".  The Student Edition contains these exclusive features: ·         A chronology of the playwright's life and work·         An introduction giving the background of the play·         Commentary on themes, characters. language and style·         Notes on individual words and phrases in the text·         Questions for further study·         Bibliography for further reading. ..

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Monday, August 22, 2011

The King's Speech: The Shooting Script. by David Seidler

Winner of four Academy Awards including Best Film and Best Original Screenplay. David Seidler's 'richly enjoyable, instantly absorbing' (Guardian) screenplay documents George VI's close relationship with his Australian speech therapist as he struggles to overcome an acute stammer...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Traffic: Sight and Sound Limited Edition

No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon

Friday, August 19, 2011

Shock Value

To me, bad taste is what entertainment is all about. If someone vomits watching one of my films, it's like getting a standing ovation. Thus begins John Waters's autobiography. And what a story it is. Opening with his upbringing in Baltimore ("Charm City" as dubbed by the tourist board; the "hairdo capital of the world" as dubbed by Waters), it covers his friendship with his muse and leading lady, Divine, detailed accounts of how Waters made his first movies, stories of the circle of friends/actors he used in these films, and finally the "sort-of fame" he achieves in America. Complementing the text are dozens of fabulous old photographs of Waters and crew. Here is a true love letter from a legendary filmmaker to his friends, family, and fans...

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Shaping True Story Into Screenplay

The goal of Shaping True Story Into Screenplay is to empower screenwriters who are spurred on by personal experience and help them make the leap from cathartic expression to true storytelling. With an encouraging and supportive tone, the book guides its readers towards objectivity about their experience. An autobiographical screenplay must move beyond a self-indulgent re-telling, and so this book explains the process of writing one’s own story in terms of antagonist and protagonist, beginning, middle and end, dramatic conflict and character motivations. This enables writers to discern the difference between ideas with true dramatic potential and memories best left in the scrapbooks. This book stresses the importance of finding a metaphor to use as a springboard for the development of characters and plot. This emphasis on poetic invention can help the writer craft a more artful script. An inspirational guidebook, Shaping True Story into Screenplay will help you visualize solutions..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road to Nhill, the (Screenplays)

Nhill is a tiny Victorian town with an ageing population looking forward to a future of peaceful decline. Life in Nhill is as stable and predictable as it can be. Until a carload of lady bowlers overturns near the ten-mile. The red herrings and comic blunders which follow are the stuff from which Alison. Tilson weaves this gentle and ultimately profound rumination on life, death and what goes on in between...

Superman Returns: The Complete Shooting Script

Smashing into theaters faster than a speeding bullet this July, comes the blockbuster movie "Superman Returns!" The Man of Steel returns to Earth - and the big screen! - after a mysterious absence of several years, only to find that Lois Lane has moved on with her life, and old enemy Lex Luthor is plotting to render Superman powerless once and for all! This is the full, original screenplay to the new movie, alongside stunning storyboards and exclusive input from the writers and director. Follow every second of explosive movie action line-by-line, from bustling Metropolis to the breathtaking Fortress of Solitude: if you're a Superman fan, you know you need this book!..

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Creating Strong Protagonists (Screenwriting Blue Books)

No More Passive Protagonists!A step-by-step guide to creating "take charge" protagonists. Screenplays are about characters in conflict... characters in emotional turmoil... Strong three dimensional protagonists who can find solutions to their probolems in 110 pages. But how do you create characters like this? How do you turn words into flesh and blood?Character issues, Knowing Who Is The Boss, Tapping into YOUR fears, The Naked Character, Pulp Friction, Man With A Plan, Character Arcs, Avoiding Cliche People, Deep Characterization, Problem Protagonists, 12 Ways To Create Likeable Protagonists (even if they are criminals), Active vs. Reactive, The Third Dimension In Character, Relationships, Ensemble Scripts, amd much, much more! Professional Screenwriter William C. Martell (19 produced films) takes you into the world of strong protagonists, showing you step-by-step how to find the best lead character for your script...

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Wars Of Julia Grant An Unproduced Screenplay

"The Civil War was won when Abraham Lincoln found his general. Where would America be without Ulysses S. Grant? Would it even exist? And where would General Grant have been without his indomitable wife, Julia? Would his name be known today? The story of Julia Grant demonstrates the major role she played in winning the war and preserving the country. "The Wars of Julia Grant" gives her credit that is long overdue."..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2010 Screenwriter's & Playwright's Market

Screenwriter's & Playwright's Market (SPM) serves as your personal guide to success by providing a wealth of information concerning script agents, script managers, production companies, screenwriting contests, play markets (theaters open to submissions), play competitions, playwright resources, and more. Along with up-to-date listings, it also offers you how-to and craft advice from industry professionals through upfront articles...

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