Sunday, August 7, 2011

GUILE (Action Thriller Script Book)

This is an action thriller script book. It is laid out in script format.Storyline:Guile is a fast–moving, modern, action adventure set in Scotland and America, involving the SBS — Special Boat Service. The SBS is a highly secretive British Special Forces unit. Comparable to the SAS, the predominantly Royal Navy unit are experts on both land and sea.By Strength and Guile is the motto of the SBS.Guile tells the story of John Riley, a Captain in the SBS (mainly based at HMS EXCALIBUR in Scotland). He is currently attached to a covert department of American Special Forces and is based, along with members of his team, in a US military base in California.When a British naval officer, Captain Phillip Morgan, is shot dead outside HMS EXCALIBUR naval base in Scotland, the news of his friend’s death is relayed to Riley. Phillip’s last words were to his sister, Claire, who was there when he was shot. Phillip tells her she should contact Riley. Unknown to them, Phillip posted two discs con..

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