Friday, August 19, 2011

Shaping True Story Into Screenplay

The goal of Shaping True Story Into Screenplay is to empower screenwriters who are spurred on by personal experience and help them make the leap from cathartic expression to true storytelling. With an encouraging and supportive tone, the book guides its readers towards objectivity about their experience. An autobiographical screenplay must move beyond a self-indulgent re-telling, and so this book explains the process of writing one’s own story in terms of antagonist and protagonist, beginning, middle and end, dramatic conflict and character motivations. This enables writers to discern the difference between ideas with true dramatic potential and memories best left in the scrapbooks. This book stresses the importance of finding a metaphor to use as a springboard for the development of characters and plot. This emphasis on poetic invention can help the writer craft a more artful script. An inspirational guidebook, Shaping True Story into Screenplay will help you visualize solutions..

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