Tuesday, September 6, 2011

21st Century Schizoid Man

This story starts in Los Angeles when engineer, AJ Redman, has an idea for a supernatural screenplay after attending a King Crimson concert. The supernatural concept is strong enough to make him take a leap of faith away from his engineering career and move to Seattle in order to scout locations for his new movie script.After an idyllic time of self-exploration, he finishes the first draft but runs out of money and decides to move back to LA to try and shop his screenplay. Trying to avoid homelessness, he starts knocking on the doors of Hollywood with unexpected results that question his sanity from family, friends, and the film industry.That's when AJ feels the walls start to close in.If you liked "A Beautiful Mind" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," you'll like this depiction of trying to break into the Hollywood film industry by knocking on doors instead of networking and making the correct connections properly...

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