Saturday, September 17, 2011


Mea Culpa is a completed screenplay that has been registered with the wGA.Mea Culpa is the story of Annie, a farm girl who has nothing but endless miles of bad road ahead of her…and she knows it. Gabe is Annie’s father who has gone mad since the death of his handicapped wife and the loss of god. Gabe is a violent alcoholic who terrorizes both Annie and her brother Frank. Frank is Annie’s horribly burn-scarred brother. The scars came at the hands of the father. The only reprieve in the two kid’s life comes from Blackie. Blackie was their mother’s care-giver and the only person that did not horrify them. Blackie loves the children, but will her love be enough to save them?Mea Culpa is very fast paced. This is not only an action movie, but there is action and a vibration in everything from Annie reflecting on a painting in Blackie’s house to Gabe attempting to murder the kids.Mea Culpa is an expounding of the phrase “Shit Happens” and “God Loves You.”John Van Pelt..

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