Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Telling Of My Marching Band Story

Ba-aaand! Attention by the numbers!Readyyyyy...ONE! This is the (mostly) true story of one Freshman's experience during "Hell Week" - the time allotted to transform 250 summer-vacation bloated recruits into one of the best college marching bands in the country. It's about Trying. It's about Truth. It's about the perfect length for a transcontinental flight.Readyyyyy...TWO! As a bonus, the screenplay version is included after the book for those with a genuine interest in scriptwriting, i.e., anyone not actually affiliated with Hollywood.Readyyyyy...THREE! I used to be a writer for "THE WONDER YEARS". This book is my attempt to tell a personal story in the same way......with both heart and humor.Ba-aaand!READ!..

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