Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 7, 1870

PUNCHINELLOVol. I. No. 6.SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1870.PUBLISHED BY THEPUNCHINELLO PUBLISHING COMPANY,83 NASSAU STREET, NEW-YORK.THE PLAYS AND SHOWS.SPECTACLES are proverbially fit for old eyes. Probably that is thereason why the spectacle of the _Twelve Temptations_ is so dear to theaged eyes of the gray-haired old gentlemen who occupy the front seats atthe Grand Opera House. It is certainly a brilliant spectacle, though,like the ideal scene to which Mrs. NICKLEBY's eccentric and vegetarianlover once referred, it consists principally of "gas and gaiters." Notthat it is exclusively an Old Folks' entertainment; for, as the criticssay of portentously dull juvenile books, "it will be found asinteresting to the young as to the old." Though the dullest of dramas,it is so brightened by brilliant legs that it dazzles every beholder.Why, then, should the stern advocate of the legitimate drama refuse toacknowledge that the _Twelve Temptations_ has its redeeming legs? Howruns the ancient proverb, "Singe..

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