Monday, April 11, 2011

Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 8, May 21, 1870

PUNCHINELLOSATURDAY, MAY 21, 1870.PUBLISHED BY THEPUNCHINELLO PUBLISHING COMPANY,83 NASSAU STREET, NEW-YORK.THE PLAYS AND SHOWS.Legs have heretofore been inseparable in the public mind from LYDIATHOMPSON. Her successes have varied inversely as the length of hertrunk-hose. She has built up her reputation by "break-downs," and hasclutched the burlesque diadem with, innumerable bounds of her elasticlegs. Now, however, she has grown weary of offering up her fatted calvesat the shrine of a prodigal New-York audience, and desires to hide thelightness of her legs under a bustle and crinoline. Wherefore sheexchanges her PIPPIN for a MOSQUITO, and appears in serious instead ofcomic burlesque._Mosquito_ is a play written expressly for Miss THOMPSON, by DUMAS_pere_. There is the more reason to believe this assertion, inasmuch asDUMAS, or somebody else, has already written it expressly for a varietyof other people. It was written for MENKEN, under the title of "_ThePirates of the Savannah_," some ..

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