Thursday, January 19, 2012

Learn To Be Still

'- a high-flying city exec learns life's lessons from the wrong side of the tracks ...'  'Learn To Be Still' a screenplay by Keith HoughtonIn the high-pressure world of stocks and shares, Daniel Hennessey is on a deadline. Working as Operations Manager for one of New York City's biggest construction companies is demanding - both in the workplace and at home. Nothing can stand in the way of increasing company profit ... not even people.Sold to the notion of corporate America and loving every minute of the high-power prestige, Daniel is willing to trade everything he owns in order to win his coveted promotion to co-Director - even if that means sacrificing his marriage along the way.It's full steam ahead for the no-nonsense exec ... until one fateful evening when he is involved in a hit-and-run accident, changing his life in a heartbeat.Now, dropped from the top of the food chain, and faced with an uncertain future, Daniel must deal with the reality of his predicament in a world govern..

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