Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It’s Christmas Eve in New York and some men in hooded monks’ robes and plastic masks of the face of Jesus Christ have just pulled off a spectacular robbery of the historic church downtown where George Washington worshipped, getting away with tens of millions of dollars in jewelry and cash and also killing fifteen of the congregation.The first detective on the scene, quite by accident, is Lieutenant Mary Freeman, on her way home to Brooklyn after buying presents for the husband she no longer loves, and after stopping by her favorite haunt, Big Dot’s Jungle Bar, for a few drinks (or as Big Dot often says, “a few too many”).With a half bottle of George Dickel under her belt, Freeman stumbles onto the scene at Broadway and Wall, but always a pro, she snaps into high gear, quickly assuming command of a chaotic situation, and in the process, making a big impression on a furious Mayor Frederick Lindstadt, who had been mocked and humiliated by the robbers for being not only short and..

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