Monday, January 30, 2012

Slay The Demons

This is a screenplay, not a novel and is in screenplay format. That said, it is very easy to read and follow the story. Brent Fischer is a Hollywood literary agent. He sells movie scripts, and he does it well. He’s in a relationship with a woman he loves, Emily Moss, and she loves him even more. His life is in order, his future is bright, he just has to stay away from his past. Brent has a history of drug problems. He has a history of suicidal tendencies. A year ago his boss talked him down from a ledge, checked him into a hospital, got him sobered up. And Tony says he can keep his job as long as he stays in counseling and as long as he stays off drugs. So Brent begrudgingly sees a psychiatrist and assures everyone he’s clean. But he’s not clean, he’s leading a double life. And as with all who tried before him, Brent’s two lives eventually collide. With Emily on business in New York, Brent plans a killer party. And it goes off without a hitch – hookers, booze, drugs, the w..

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