Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reckless Dreaming

I hope readers will enjoy creating Reckless Dreaming as a movie in their mind. That is ahead of any possible theatrical production. - Nick David, Screenwriter ENLIGHTENMENT, LOVE, AND A STING ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER AND YET SO FAR AWAY. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF RECKLESS DREAMING! Imagine a game of Strip Chess surrounded everywhere you turn by strip the soul! Michael and Tara use everything including their wits for weapons! Meanwhile, no knowledge of chess will be needed to determine who is winning as their match progresses. Chess masters Tara, 33, and Michael, 34, stage a high stakes match in San Francisco that their chess rival fathers never got a chance to play. Michael is an intense "win at any cost" player with his own obsessions. Tara is an embattled singer and Eastern Religion buff. As a reformed alcoholic, she leaves a Buddhist monastery on a quest for enlightenment and love. Tara keeps one vital secret from Michael: She has a brain tumor which could kill her at any time! Not ..

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