Saturday, January 8, 2011

Becket and Other Plays

Title: Becket and other playsAuthor: Alfred Lord TennysonPOET LAUREATECONTENTSBECKETTHE CUPTHE FALCONTHE PROMISE OF MAYBECKETTO THE LORD CHANCELLOR, THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EARL OF SELBORNE.MY DEAR SELBORNE,_To you, the honoured Chancellor of our own day, I dedicate thisdramatic memorial of your great predecessor;--which, altho' notintended in its present form to meet the exigencies of our moderntheatre, has nevertheless--for so you have assured me--won yourapprobation.Ever yours_,TENNYSON._DRAMATIS PERSONAE_.HENRY II. (_son of the Earl of Anjou_).THOMAS BECKET, _Chancellor of England, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury_.GILBERT FOLIOT, _Bishop of London_.ROGER, _Archbishop of York_. _Bishop of Hereford_.HILARY, _Bishop of Chichester_.JOCELYN, _Bishop of Salisbury_.JOHN OF SALISBURY |HERBERT OF BOSHAM | _friends of Becket_.WALTER MAP, _reputed author of 'Golias,' Latin poems against the priesthood_.KING LOUIS OF FRANCE.GEOFFREY, _son of Rosamund and Henry_.GRIM, _a monk of Ca..

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