Friday, January 28, 2011

River of January

"River of January" is EMMY Winner and two-time Academy Award nominee James R. Messenger's original romantic comedy set in Brazil, Russia, and the U.S.A. Featuring a great love story framed by staggering spectacle, including Carnival in Rio, this classic "screwball" comedy is funny, touching, romantic, and hits many of the nerve points in human relationships today. THE STORY: A lonely Washington, D.C., State Department Foreign Service Officer is forced to go to Brazil against his will on a cultural exchange to shepherd an unruly music group on a goodwill tour. Along the way, he encounters the woman he has so long sought to help fill his emotionally empty life. Not only does the man learn about the agony and ecstasy of love, but he also discovers the magic of life and becomes a fully fleshed human being full of the joy of living. "River of January" has an exciting musical score of contemporary Brazilian music that helps make the very soul and spirit of Brazil into one of the film's cha..

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