Thursday, January 27, 2011

From Gethsemane to Ascension: An Ultimate Harmony of the Gospels: Easter and Resurrection Plays

Unlike every Easter-Passover-Resurrection documentary, play of movie ever produced this book incorporates every text, every movement and every conceivable thought found within the Bible. It is truly The Ultimate Harmony of the Gospels for Jesus’ last days on Earth. Working from numerous harmonies of the Gospel, Dr. Russell Earl Kelly has merged the four biblical accounts from Christ’s arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane to His ascension into one continuous smooth story line. The many so-called discrepancies and contradictions melt away in these five acts written in conversational style. Although some events are fictional they reflect what probably occurred between the lines of God’s Word. Kelly has attempted to honestly portray the feelings behind the words that lead up to the gospel presentation when Jesus reveals Himself in the upper room. The final act suggests that a modern video presentation be used to dramatically portray both the ascension and return of Jesus in glory. R..

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