Sunday, January 23, 2011


Among the many blackguards who left their bloodstained mark on history, the foulest of them all was the pirate Yellowbeard. His name struck terror into the hearts of gentlefolk - the same area into which he plunged his dirk - in the days when Queen Anne was a monarch rather than a table. According Graham Chapman, the late comedian-actor-writer-Monty Python, Yellowbeard tells 'the true story of Treasure Island, all the bits that Robert Louis Stevenson didn't want to tell. Yellowbeard is a vile buccaneer so scurrilous that he makes Long John Silver look like a tinhorn. He puts the 'rat' back into pirate'. The idea for Yellowbeard came from one of Graham's closest friends, the late Keith Moon, drummer for The Who, who urged Chapman to attack the pirate genre with his renowned comedic thrust. The results were a novel (Chapman's one and only), and a cult film starring a bodice-ripping cast of comedy actors from the Pythons to Cheech and Chong, via David Bowie. This edition brings together t..

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